What 136 Pilots Tell Us About the Future of AVs in Cities

How can cities harness AVs to solve pressing mobility challenges? What kinds of pilots can they undertake, and how should they run them?

This web-based atlas, researched over two years, provides encyclopedic information on more than 136 cities across the globe that are preparing for
AVs by conducting pilots or developing plans and policies.

For each city, the atlas provides data on:

  • a detailed description of the city and its AV preparations,
  • AV policy priorities,
  • AV pilot partners,
  • use cases and AV applications,
  • photos and maps of pilot vehicles and test areas, and
  • links to further information, including official documents.

The Atlas has been archived. A single PDF of all content on the original website is available here (250 Mb) and the Internet Archive’s most recent replica of the site can be accessed here.

See also: